
At St. Paul’s United Church (SPUC), a volunteer group of leaders who make up the SPUC Council work with the Minister to effectively serve as collaborative leaders, providing oversight of the spiritual, financial and environmental health of St Paul’s United Church, so that the congregation and the wider community can live out their calling as people of God in the world.

Council is currently made up of the chairs of the Worship and Music Committee, Mission and Service Committee, United Church Women, Trustees, Finance Committee, Ministry and Personnel Committee, Men’s Group and the Communications Committee, along with the Treasurer, Chair and Secretary of Council and the Minister.

Through regular monthly meetings as a Council and in meetings with additional volunteer committee members, the essential tasks of Council are carried out:

  • to hold the property for the use and benefit of the congregation as part of the United Church through the Trustees;
  • to ensure the Spiritual Health of SPUC and that it is fulfilling its mission of being the Church with the Open Arms;
  • to oversee relationships within the pastoral charge ministry, particularly the roles and functions of paid leaders and employees through the Ministry and Personnel Committee;
  • to manage the operational and capital finances through the Finance Committee;
  • to manage the physical property;
  • to support volunteers, paid leaders and employees in their Outreach & Evangelism activities;
  • to identify opportunities and mitigate any risks to working together;
  • to provide the governance Structure and Balance to guide the workings of the church; and,
  • to lead the communication and coordination of the life of the church.

To learn more about these Committees and the activities they sponsor, please visit the Programs and Activities page on the website.  To contact the Chair of a committee, please call the church office.