COVID-19: Staying Connected

Current Status

We are closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation.  The health and safety of everyone at St. Paul’s United Church Ajax is our highest priority and primary concern.  A Task Force comprised of the Minister, Past Chair of Council, M and P Co-Chair, Director of Music and the Office Administrator are meeting to implement our local response following recommendations from the United Church of Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada and local public health to monitor the risk and take protective actions as needed.

We are and will continue to share information with our congregation via this website, email and social media:

Special NewsFlash blogs

Public Facing FB page

Twitter account – see @SPUCAjax


In  response to the direction from national, provincial and local public health authorities to slow the spread of the coronavirus, SPUC is now holding its worship services online.  You are invited to join us each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. (EDT) or a time of reflection, music and prayer.

To join,  please head to the Worship page for the links and other important information.  We look forward to your participation.

Phone Tree

We have triaged the congregational phone list and developed a phone tree to ensure timely communication.   Thank you to Linda W, Helen D, Colleen M, Bernie R, Janette S and Diane F,  Jeff and Katie W, Heather O, Dorothy W, Brad S and Grace S for volunteering to make calls, if necessary, to advise people of any changes to the worship schedule and to check on the well-being of our church family.

If you are not sure if we have your phone number or email address, please contact the Church office via email – – or phone – 905-683-4740 – to provide us with that information.

Important Links

Following and obtaining direction from accredited, factual and reliable sources is key to our shared response to this evolving situation.  The following links are provided for your information:

If you are in crisis there are places you can call for help: