February 9, 2020
Location: Sanctuary
In March 2015, SPUC's Senior Choir was honoured to present the North American premiere of Donald Patriquin's A Caribbean Mass. This joyful choral mass includes the Kyrie, the Great Amen, Sanctus & Benedictus, Agnus Dei, Christ has Died, the Gloria, The New Creed and the Lord's Prayer written for soprano, alto, tenor and bass. The musical score includes piano, flute, steel drum and percussion.
Our 2015 premiere was extremely well received by our congregation and we have performed it numerous times at Sunday services. Now we would like to share it with our fellow church choirs in Durham Region and beyond.
Everyone is invited to join us on Sunday, February 9th at 3:00 p.m. for a special Ecumenical Communion Service. The offering will be dedicated to supporting the Ajax Pickering Hospital.
Accompanied by some of Durham's finest musicians, the St. Paul's Senior Choir will be presenting the Mass as part of the Service and inviting our fellow choristers to join us in singing one of the specially written hymns - "Thank you for the Love." We hope that everyone enjoys the Mass so much that other church Music Directors and their choirs may consider presenting it during one of their own Sunday services.
For more information, please click on the links below.
Thank you for the Love - for choir only
Thank you for the Love - for choir and piano
Please do consider joining us for this special service. We look forward to seeing you on the 9th.