Pizza Dinner and Sequence Tournament

Pizza Dinner and Sequence Tournament

May 4, 2019

Location: The Gathering Place

Have you enjoyed playing the game Sequence in the past?

This year SPARC is hosting a Sequence and Pizza Party on May 4, 2019.. Tickets are $20.00 and include an evening of sequence, pizza, beverage and homemade sweets for dessert. Prizes and a draw will also be part of the evening.

Doors open at 4:30 and the event begins at 5:00. Tickets will go on sale at the end of March and will be limited.

Click on the underlined text below to download a poster for this event:

May 2019 pizza dinner and sequence night

Each team will need three players. Two teams will play at each table. You may sign up as a table of 6, a team of three, a small groups or as individuals. Individuals will be partnered with others. Don’t worry if you haven’t played Sequence before, the rules will be explained.

Any money that is raised through the Sequence and Pizza Party will be used to SPARK up the narthex to make it a more inviting entrance to our church. For more information, call Catharine at the office.

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