January 27, 2019
Location: Fellowship Room
On Sunday, January 27, 2019 The Ladies Exercise Class invites you to: Tom Rosebush - The Full Story .
Some of you have heard bits and pieces of Tom’s story, concerning his having been adopted and his recent search to find his family.
Tom has put together an hour long presentation that he has generously offered to share with St. Paul’s congregation. So, plan to bring a bag lunch and stay after the morning service to hear the complete story. We have reserved the Fellowship Room, and the sanctuary.
If there is a large group in attendance, we’ll use the sanctuary after having eaten our lunch in the Gathering Place. If a smaller group, we’ll use the Fellowship Room where we’ll eat our lunch.
A freewill offering will be taken and donated to St. Paul’s. All are welcome.
Event Accessibility
- Assisted Listening Devices