Sing and Rejoice 2019

A number of St. Paul’s United Church Senior Choir members had an enjoyable day together on Saturday February 9th when they attended the Sing & Rejoice! 2019 choral workshop hosted by Pickering Village United Church.

SPUC Senior Choir Sopranos Sharon, Dorothy, Cathy and Carole, Altos Pam and Cath, Bass Brad and Director of Music Lois along with choristers from across Durham Region and beyond participated in a “wonderful day of music-making, socializing, learning and performing”.

Conductor, Composer and Clinician  Mark Ruhnke, who has over 30 years experience in the fields of music education, sacred music, private teaching and theatre led the participants through morning and afternoon sessions.

A welcome lunch break offered a chance for everyone to rest and recharge.

Brad was impressed by the number of people in attendance and especially appreciated the opportunity to sing with other basses.

Cath enjoyed the different choral works introduced to those attending and said she welcomes the chance for the SPUC Choir to perform them at St. Paul’s.

All agreed that it was a worthwhile outing and Lois has already started introducing some of the techniques learned at the workshop into the SPUC Senior Choir’s weekly practices.

The SPUC Senior Choir practices every Thursday evening and Sunday morning and is always welcoming new members.

If you are interested in joining the Choir please contact Lois at

Please visit the calendar page to see upcoming SPUC Senior Choir presentations including the March 3rd presentation of the Caribbean Mass.