SPECIAL NewsFlash – Friday, March 13, 2020

Just like you, we are closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation.  The health and safety of everyone at St. Paul’s United Church Ajax is our highest priority and primary concern.

To that end a Task Force comprised of the Minister, Past Chair of Council, M and P Co-Chair and the Office Administrator have been meeting to develop and implement our local response following recommendations from the United Church of Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada and local public health to monitor the risk and take protective actions as needed.

At the present time we will still be holding a worship service this Sunday, March 15th at 10:30 a.m.

However, as you attend worship, we are asking you to practice social distancing and minimize physical contact (ie. sitting 2 metres apart, not shaking hands, utilizing hand sanitizer)


  • Signage has been posted at all entrances asking people to not enter if they have any COVID-19 symptoms and/or a recent travel history to an affected country.
  • We have ordered more hand sanitizer stations to place in the west, south and front doors.
  • We have removed the bibles and hymnals from the pew racks and wiped down the pews.
  • Additional signage has been posted in the washrooms to support effective hand washing.
  • We have developed an enhanced daily cleaning protocol and are looking for committed volunteers to assist us each morning between 8 and 9 a.m.  If you are able to volunteer, please contact Cathy Mullen at 905-xxx-xxxx.
  • At the present time, church groups can continue to meet but, as we will be doing at worship, attendees should follow social distancing protocols.
  • Please also be aware that effective immediately NO FOOD or DRINK is to be served/shared at any church group meetings.  This includes this Saturday’s men’s group meeting, lay visitors pot luck, etc.
  • We are contacting our tenants to ask them for their support in sanitizing any areas of the building that they use and to evaluate their food/drink protocols.
  • Sunshine is following the public school directive and will be shutting down for a further two weeks after the March break.
  • We have triaged the congregational phone list and developed a phone tree to ensure timely communication.   Thank you to Linda W, Helen D, Colleen M, Bernie R, Janette S and Diane F for volunteering to make calls, if necessary, to advise people of any changes to the worship schedule and to check on the well-being of our church family.
  • We will also use the church website – www.stpaulsajax.org – and SPUC social media pages – Facebook/Twitter – to provide updates and more information on the status of church events.
  • We are also investigating ways to meet online if we are directed to stop meeting in person.
  • Rev. Cordelia is always available to offer pastoral support and guidance via the church office or email at revcordelia@stpaulsajax.org.

Please know that as the situation continues to develop, we will be sure to update you with pertinent information.

We are being encouraged by the United Church of Canada to respond to this situation with Compassion, Prevention and Prayer. As a community of faith we know that God is always with us as we strive to be faithful disciples in these challenging times.