SPECIAL NewsFlash- Thursday, June 11, 2020
As we continue to collectively respond to the COVID-19 situation, please see below new and ongoing information on SPUC’s response:
- Please join us online for our June 14th Sunday Service. The service starts at 10:30 a.m. but the room will be “opened” at 10:15 a.m. for a time of fellowship and connection.
- Because we missed Holy Humour Sunday in April, we are hosting a Silly Hat Day on Sunday, June 14th. Please wear your silly hat to the service to add a bit of glamour and humour to our weekly gathering.
- The Men’s Group will be meeting online on Saturday, June 13th at 9:00 a.m. for an hour of fellowship. All men are invited to bring their own pancakes and coffee and hang out on Zoom.
- It is Louise J’s 99th birthday on June 17th!!! Let’s help her mark the day by showering her with cards and best wishes .
- Additionally, you are invited to join us on Wednesday, June 17th at 11:00 am. to honour Louise. We plan to drive by her home, honk our horns and let her know we are thinking of her on her special day. She will be presented with a plant and a “Happy birthday” balloon on her doorstep.
- The East Central Ontario Regional Council governing body, the Assembly of Elders, will meet Friday morning, June 12th to discuss the June 8th announcement by Premier Ford regarding the reopening of places of worship. To view the latest information from ECORC please click on https://mailchi.mp/
9ea09f2dcbac/ecorc-news-for- august-21-12462869?e= 7a46a45daf. - At the present time it is the position of SPUC leadership that we should continue to meet via the Zoom platform until September as we await further direction. Your feedback is always welcome. Please contact Rev. Cordelia at revcordelia@stpaulsajax.org with your thoughts and comments.
- To join the online service on Sunday via your computer, simply Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on https://zoom.us/j/213251299 and follow the directions. For best results, please load Zoom via a CHROME browser.
- Please note that, again for security reasons, you will be placed in a Waiting Room when you first log on and brought into the call as your identity is verified. The chat feature on the call has been disabled and the meeting locked after 10 minutes after the service starts. Latecomers will not be admitted.
- If you don’t have a computer but you want to hear what is being presented, you can listen in by dialing 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 and enter Meeting ID: 213 251 299.
- If you aren’t able to join in, the services will be recorded and a link will be posted later in the week on the Worship page.
- Please ensure that you are using Zoom version 5.04 if you logon using a computer, tablet or iPad. The system should prompt you to do an automatic update if you log on using version 4.0. For more information on this updated version please visit the Zoom website at zoom.us.
- The bulletin for the service is attached to this email or can be found at https://stpaulsajax.org/
worship/ - Jean S has made and donated masks for distribution through the church. If you would like a mask please contact the church office at 905 683 4740 or by email at office@stpaulsajax.org
- SPUC Bible Studies are posted to the website. You can participate by clicking HERE.
- Please join Rev. Cordelia for a weekly drop in social time via Zoom every Friday between 1:30 and 2:30 pm. All welcome.
- A reminder that the church building is CLOSED.
- If you need to enter the building, please call the church office 24 hours in advance and arrange a time so that we can ensure everyone’s safety by confirming that the building has been sanitized before you enter and after you leave.
- Even though the church building is closed, our shared responsibility to support the church through regular donations is still very important.
- If you are not on PAR, you can mail in a cheque or drop off you donations in a sealed envelope through the church mailbox on the south door. The mailbox is emptied on a daily basis.
- Or you can click on the Support St. Paul’s box on the home page and donate via our PayPal account.
- This is a challenging time as we all continue to navigate our way through our shared response to the pandemic and the directions from health officials and the government. No one is alone in this struggle and resources are available if you need help. Please connect with Rev. Cordelia via the church office or click on any of the resources posted on the SPUC Staying Connected page found at https://stpaulsajax.org/covid-