The Adventures of Flat Jesus

Although it may not feel like summer is approaching it will arrive, and as a result, many of us will soon be off on summer travels, visiting family and friends or enjoying time at the cottage.

Although many of us go our separate ways during the summer, God always goes with us, and we continue to be part of the St. Paul’s family.

To remind ourselves that God is always with us and to stay connected with each other over the summer, I invite all of you to participate in the Adventure of Flat Jesus, over the summer. You are invited to cut out and colour in the picture of Jesus found HERE and bring Him with you on all your travels this summer.

Take pictures of Flat Jesus on your summer adventures, write a brief paragraph and email it to The picture and paragraph will be posted on this section of the website.

I look forward to hearing about everyone’s adventures.
Have a blessed summer.
Rev. Cordelia